Monday, April 25, 2011

FRIENDSHIP --- “Giving everything you have expecting nothing in return”.

Could you name 5 of your best friends in 5 seconds?
Honestly I cant recall with in time.. Stopped at 3..
I strongly believe world’s greatest victories as well as defeats,
successes as well as fiascos were originated from the best friendship...
The toughest enemies were more or less born from the best friendships…
I seriously used to question my friends when I was in medical school, ..
Is there a thing exists called as genuine friendship??
I presumed all the extra parental relations are cooperative commercial affairs..
May be I was wrong..
May be I just couldn’t cherish the real friendship in those days coz I am just a crazy nut..
Impressions have eventually changed..
Now I will say friendship is the only hope which makes me happy every day.
From my school days to professional college days, I came across many acquaintances..
Some relations served as friendships and some people served as friends..
Eventually the days rolled on..
The rapports become thinner....
Where is the consistency??
Could you name who is your best friend when you are in 5 class??
May be I don’t have one………
May be I am too busy in focusing on many useless things and eventually ignored the friendship.
But one of my friend taught me what does a friendship really means..
“Giving everything you have expecting nothing in return”.
I may not be a friend abide by this rule… But at least I can tell a few people that
I had a great friend who never told these lines but always proved it with his deeds..

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Past , Present and Future

Live in present dude and think about future
and Learn from past but dont live in the past--- Kalyan

An Indian born Oncologist wrote one among the top 10 books of 2010 and won Pulitzer prize for non fiction

Today, While reading the newspaper I read about this guy..
Dr.Siddarth Mukharjee,
He was born in Delhi, now working as an Oncologist in Columbia University, NYC.
What is so special about him??

One of the New York Times 10 Best Books of 2010, The Emperor of All Maladies is Siddhartha Mukherjee's magisterial "biography" of cancer.
He won Pulitzer prize for non fiction for this..

Robert Frost once said..
"Two roads diverged in a wood,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference"

May be you took a path that was never traveled by.
But it could be the shortest and best..
But as long you are exploring it, it remains mysterious as it was left unexplored before.

Who knows what come out, if some one googles your name after 20 years??
Who really knows where does the never traveled road at the diversion lead you ??
I was listening today to my favorite songs from my iphone..
And just recalled how it came among the favorites.
Then I opened my email and typed " luck by chance"
Eventually the old lines you wrote couple of years ago were pulled out..
Honestly I still couldnt understand the lines completely ( cursing my Hindi )..

Why things have to become more complicated when we become older.
More responsibilities, more worries..
I am seriously questioning myself am I becoming too old to loose my patience to handle things...

Just to say that I did remember you, and thanked you for the good old email..
Which pulled me over from the perfect storm of events at lease for a moment..

Friday, April 22, 2011


Two roads diverged in a wood,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference

...Robert Frost

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Dont let anybody tell you, you cant do some.
You got a dream, you got to protect it.
People can't do something themselves.
They want to tell you that you can't do it.
You want something? Go get it.”


"Maybe happiness is something we can only pursue, but never have."


Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things,

and no good thing ever dies.

Quoted from Shawshank Redemption

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." - Confucius


Trust me My friend...

There is No Such Feeling as Love..

There are only misguided feelings and emotions...

Monday, April 18, 2011



Seasons may come and go,
Hope, like a bird may fly away,
Passion may break its wings against iron bars of fate,
Illusions may crumble as the cloudy towers of sunset flame,
Faith as a running water, may slip from beneath our feet,
Solitude may stretch itself around us like the measureless desert sand,
Old age may creep as the gathering night over our bowed heads grown
hoary in their shame,
Bound to fortunes wheel,
we may taste every turn of chance..
Now rule as kings, now serve as slaves,
Now love, Now hate,
Now prosper, Now perish,
Now friends, Now foes,
But still, through all, we are the same...
For this is the marvel of Identity
Some birds are not meant to be caged...
Their feathers are just too bright..
And when they Fly away..
The past of you that knows,
it was a sin to lock them up does the rejoice

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"On the other hand,
I have had to tell some 24-year-old medical students
that they were too old to become physicians
because they had already lost their curiosity"

Friday, April 8, 2011

If There is a Will , There is a Way

When I recall Guru sir saying " Even cleaveland clinic started with four people..." I got surmised. Yeah !! the beginning is rather small for all great institutes. But dedication and commitment shown by the founders are fathomless.

Here are the brief histories of a few great medical centers...

The Johns Hopkins University was founded on January 22, 1876 by educational pioneers who abandoned the traditional roles of the American college and forged a new era of modern research universities by focusing on the expansion of knowledge, graduate education, and support of faculty research. Its motto in Latin is Veritas vos liberabit."The truth will set you free....."In 1873 Johns Hopkins, a childless bachelor, bequeathed $7 million to fund a hospital and university in Baltimore, Maryland.The university's first president was Daniel Coit Gilman.

The Mayo clinic started as a single, small outpatient facility, and later became America's first integrated group practice, a model that is now standard in the United States.Mayo Clinic evolved from the frontier practice of Dr. William Worrall Mayo (1819–1911) and his two sons, William James Mayo (1861–1939) & Charles Horace Mayo (1865–1939). Dr. William Worrall Mayo emigrated from Salford, United Kingdom, to the United States in 1846 and became a doctor.

The Cleveland Clinic was founded in February 1921 by four renowned Cleveland physicians. Three of the founders, George Washington Crile, Frank Bunts, and William Lower, were surgeons who had worked together in an army medical unit in France during World War I.Upon their return to the United States, they desired to establish a group practice and invited an internist, John Phillips, to join in their endeavor. The concept of group practice in medicine was relatively new at the time. Only the Mayo Clinic and military units were known to follow this model. The founders established the Clinic with the vision: “Better care of the sick, investigation of their problems, and further education of those who serve.”

And needless to say...... The list is endless........