Saturday, October 8, 2011


After all how does first failure in your life tastes like??
little sour of course..
I experienced the classical stages of a breaking of a bad news.
Denial even in my dreams for some days..
Anger on the fate
Grief ..
Finally the stage of acceptance arrived..
I did all I can, there is no defect from my perspective..
even I question myself hundred times...
did I do something wrong on the way..
I couldnt find any....
scores are there , letters are there..interviews?? 9 is huge number,,,
what is wrong then?
When I receive some sympathetic phone calls..
why you didnt match? when people with multiple attempts and scores in 80s matched??
what should I say ??

It does NOT matter..

By the end of the day, I am a FAILURE..

Then starts the phase of comforting myself with compromising thoughts..
Yes I didnt like the lifestyle there..
Yes I wanted to come back anyway, what is the purpose in going there??
Yes may be I can try something here..
May be this is good for me....

After all this is my final decision for now after alternating thoughts of extremism between these two..
Go back do some research and Obsies and apply next year..
Stop usmle saga and start finding something here..
Inclining to the multiple constraints I have,,,I recall the final words of our chemistry professor
with a glistening smile on the day of my farewell to the college.."Life is a compromise."
I heard these words that day.. I experienced them now..

Saturday, July 30, 2011


They can be deceiving.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Wake up at 4: 10 AM.. 2 alarms rang.. One followed by another...
Shower.. Dress up.. look at the check list on the door...
1)ID card, stamp, easy pay( all are tagged together)
2)Apartment keys
3)Cell phone
5)Metro Pass
7)Turn off all the lights
8) Lock the door..

A brisk walk of 5 min..
A bus coming near to the stop..
A little run for a min or two to catch the bus...
Reached the Hospital...
Grab a favorite Dunkin Donuts coffee..
A "Good Morning" to the security at the entrance..
Get the white coat from the locker room..
On the Floor 5 30 AM
The Day begins...


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

CUP OF COFFEE - the essence of life

A group of alumni, Highly established in their careers,got together to visit an old
University Professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work
and life, then offering his guests coffee,the professor went into the kitchen and returned
with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups-paper,plastic,glass,crystal,porcelain,
some plain looking,some expensive and some exquisite-telling them to help
themselves to the coffee. when all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor
" If you noticed,all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up,leaving behind the plain
and cheap ones.While it's normal for u to want only the best for yourselves,that is the source of
your problems and stress"

Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee,in most cases it's just more expensive
and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of u really wanted was coffee,not the cup,
but u consciously went for the best cups............and then u began eying each others cups.

Proverb; Here Life is the coffee.The jobs,Money and Position in society are the cups.
They r just tools to hold and contain life,and the type of cup we have doesn't define,nor change
the quality of life we live.
sometimes by concentrating only on the cup,we fail to enjoy the coffee ,savour the coffee
not the cups
" The Happiest people don't have the best of everything,but they just make out the best of

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011


Your smile resembles a fresh lotus blossom,
In the tense face, I see a threatened hare,

The words, I hear as a child's whisper,

The consolation reflects the innocence of a new born,

The happiness exalts a vagabond's bliss,

The only one I have like you is you.
You have something special in you.
I do miss you...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Kerala..... God's own country

"I like that place very much"
Is that the place per se which makes you feel that or else it's the people or the company or the combo..
I guess it's the combination the above three..

If I go back all the places I visited and lived in india, I guess the best bet is Kerala.
I never saw a beggar here, not even one..
The staff who cleans my room, who washes the cloths rejected my tips all the time...
The auto drivers stick to the exact meter price whatever the time is..( irrespective of the night or day)
Hmm yes there are some human values.. Honesty do exist in the people here.

Ha man..
Girls are really beautiful here..
I wish I could marry a girl from kerala. ( my parents may not be happy with this idea though)
Beauty/ Ego index among girls is pretty high..( unlike our place)..

Hmm...Yeah food
Breakfast kerala special

lunch/ dinner
Fish-- all time side dish for lunch or supper
Kozhikode Biryani( I always use to compare it with Hyderabad dum Biryani)
The rice is very peculiar ( large sized grains helps to prevent diabetes) you can grade them between rice and wheat
All food toppings with coconut oil, coconut milk

Cars mann....
You can't imagine the car magnitude here..
Small roads are themselves shine with BMW x 6 , Audee, what not....
It hard for me to find them in Hyderabad city that often..
The flow of money from gulf..
Each family does have one atleast staying somewhere in gulf countries..

" Its hard to find a girl to marry unless we go to gulf here".. Our male staff nurse Jerin George wonders.

Coconut, rubber, aracnut are the basic cultivation. Paddy is kind of scare here and there.

Finally the nature...
Needless to say it's just phenomenal..
Places of interest
1) Alleppy ( Alappuzha)-- the sea back waters, the small islands, the boat houses.. Hhhaaaa
I have write a book " one night@ boat house" to compete Chetan Bharat's " one night @ call centre"
The first place I am gonna visit with my wife after marriage.
2) Munnar-- the splendour of the hill station.
It drizzles at the morning.. To the start the day over..
It feels cozy at the noon coz of tiny little sun rays..
It showers at night.. Making the bachelors jealous of not having the spouse beside them..
the place is just so romantic with it's enormous tea estates and enthralling water falls, green meadows.. Makes me nostalgic..
3) Venad-- another hill station
4) Tekkadi- wild life sanctuary
5) Trivandrum and Kochin beaches
Vega land in Kochin

Why The state Kerala is called as "God's own country?"
Now you gotta answer this question for me..